Devious Journal Entry

6 min read

Deviation Actions

Aly-Bitch's avatar
It was a sunny day at the hetalian academy. The two siblings Alfred and D.C. were both discussing very important business matters. “D.C. ~!” Whined D.C’s older brother Alfred. “Please let me copy your homework! I promise this’ll be the last time~!” “You said that exact thing last time, Ally.” D.C. teased. D.C. knew that Alfred hated being called Ally, (because it was a girl’s name he said.) but in this case he had no right to say anything about it.  “I know! I know! Just please, let me see it~!” Whined Alfred. D.C. couldn’t help but stifle a snicker. “Sorry Al,” She said in an apologetic tone. “I didn’t do it either.” Alfred’s anger suddenly flared. “What-?! Why not?! We had the whole weekend to finish it! Don’t you have at least a few problems done!?” It was then D.C. explained that over the weekend she and all of her friends had had a super awesome sleepover complete with scary movies and stuff. She didn’t have time for homework. “Oh well that’s just GREAT!” Alfred growled. “And what’s your excuse? Ally?” D.C asked with smirk.  Alfred then mumbled something about how he and his bros had gone out to go pick up chicks. Typical Ally. “Well. Now what are we supposed to do?” D.C. wondered out loud. “The teacher will be here in few minutes, I at least need to copy a few answers so I’m not completely killed.” “Hey what about the guy over there?” D.C. heard Al say. Looking the direction Alfred was referring to, D.C. saw that it was her classmate, Japan. Japan wasn’t the most popular student, but he was famous for one thing. He was one of the smartest guys in the whole class. He always turned in his homework on time and did a lot of studying, so he always got good marks. Something that Alfred and D.C. didn’t have a lot of (considering they spent most of their time hanging out with friends and fans alike). But no one ever really heard a lot from Japan. He was sort of a recluse. When he wasn’t studying or doing work, he was reading manga. Nothing special. “Yeah, what about him?” D.C. asked turning back to his brother. “You should totally go over and ask that dude can we copy his homework!” D.C. couldn’t help but burst out in laughter. “What?! What’s so funny?!” Demanded Alfred. “Al,” D.C. giggled. “You do realize you’re talking about Japan right? He hardly talks to anyone, let 2 of the most popular kids in school! All he ever does is sit over there ignoring everyone. Do you honestly think he’s going to let us?” “It’s worth a try!” Alfred protested. “Then why don’t you ask him?”  “Uh…well. Ergh! D.C!” “Fine, fine I’ll ask him.” With that D.C. stood from her table and made her way to Japan’s table. Japan didn’t seem to notice that she was there as his nose was buried in a manga book. D.C tapped Japan’s shoulder shocking him out of what seemed to be a trance. That comic must have been pretty interesting because he seemed to have forgotten where he was as he looked around the room confused. “Yoo-hoo up here ~!” D.C. called in a friendly tone. Japan then looked up at her with his beautiful mysterious brown eyes. At the time D.C. didn’t know why, but her face began to heat up. And she saw that Japan’s face was slightly red as well. “Ah, ye- yes D.C.-san?” stammered Japan. “You know my name?” D.C. asked. “Yes, j-just about e-everyone one in school knows who you are…” Japan said looking away trying to hide his blushing face. “Oh,” said D.C. almost forgetting her popularity, “I almost forgot that…” “Is there something that you need?” Japan asked fiddling with his thumbs. “Ah yeah! Actually there is something that I need! Um… did you do the homework from Friday?” “Yes.” Japan said eyeing his paper that was on his desk. “Ah great! And uh, I was just wondering if I could-,” “Copy it?” Japan asked smiling halfheartedly. “Bingo.” Giggled D.C. apologetically. With that japan reached in his bag taking out a pencil. He erased his name from the top of the page and wrote her name in its place.  D.C. was dumbfounded. “What are you doing?” D.C. asked. “This is your homework isn’t it?” Japan looked D.C. in the eyes and smiled sweetly. “Yeah, but, if sacrificing my homework means helping you in yours, then I’m willing to take the sacrifice.” D.C. was touched. “Japan…How can I repay this to you?!” Japan raised a curious eyebrow. “Repay me? You don’t have to re-““Yes I do!” D.C. interrupted. “What do you want? Money? Protection? Anything you want is yours!” Japan silently thought about D.C’s offer. Finally when he got an answer he looked in the eyes with a certain sincerity that she had never seen before. “Become my girlfriend, D.C. san.” “Eh?” D.C. asked. “You heard me.” Japan smiled. D.C. felt her face burn with embarrassment. She’s had boyfriends before. But she never thought of them as mature. But now with Japan looking at her as if she were the most important thing in the room right now, she just felt so... flustered. “It’s worth a try…” Thought D.C. “Alright, I’ll be your girlfriend.” Japan’s smile turned into a devious smirk. “Good!” He then jotted his phone number down on a piece of paper. “Call me ~.” He said winking.   D.C. then hurried to her seat nearly tripping on the way there. When Alfred saw how uncool his sister was acting, he spoke up. “Whoa, D.C. what’s up with you?” “Nothing Alfred.” D.C. mumbled. “Alfred?!” America asked. “Okay seriously D.C. what happened?!” “Well- “Before D.C. could finish the teacher stepped in. “Sorry I’m late class! Did everyone do their homework?” she asked. Everyone held up their homework.  Even Japan. Wait WHAT?! D.C.’s neck snapped around looking at japan’s paper. And was the homework all done! It was then D.C. remembered that Japan tended to have 2 copies of homework assignments! AUGH!! Before the teacher could go around collecting work, D.C. hopped up and tackled japan out of his seat. “Why didn’t you tell me you had 2 homework assignments?!” she growled.  “Because then I wouldn’t be able to do this.” With this said japan reached up and grasped D.C’S tie in his hand pulling her close to his lips and he kissed her lips.  The whole class grew deathly silent. D.C. was about to pull away, but japan held her fast in place. Soon she just melted into his kiss.  “D.C!!! “ America cried. “I TOLD YOU TO GET HOMEWORK! NOT SEDUCE HER!!!!!!”:3
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AwesomeDuskAngel's avatar
You stole this from Eemapso. I'm reporting you. ):<